A wily trickster, the Kaaiman lives in small caves around rivers and ponds, they are known to use charms and illusions to show human men what they most desire. Kaaiman are one of the few mamono who refuse to wear an outfit, rather swathing themselves in their long, lustrous hair, not only do they not dress up, but they are also one of the few mamono who do not care about their abode. Being somewhat lazy and believing that illusions are the cure to almost anything, a Kaaiman will simply induce an illusion that her home is beautiful and neat.

A Kaaiman's greatest weakness is her hair, as having someone simply stroking it will send her into a state of utmost bliss. Kaaiman are also known for being as slippery as a fish when in dangerous situations, it is very rare for one to be captured.
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young girl hair long mamono monstergirl, Praxis Kaaiman 


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