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オーロラ・スターリング( Aurora Sterling )ってどんな娘??マックスとミリアの次女ってなあに?


Image extra -B: Test Pilot Aurora, the second daughter of of Miriya Sterling refferlence to orijinal art by Tomonori Kogawa . Orrijinal size PNG image downloadable URL as follows .


Max and Miriya 's second dauter , Aurora Sterling . Now she is test pilot at working on Northrop Grumman.
Original little girl's days art by Tomonori Kogawa .

Now I drawing new art which she became a woman.

She warned Dana in "the illusion of Dana" of Episode 60 of Robotech Masters.
She is also the second daughter of Max and Miriya.
By drawing Aurora's half-figure art, the viewer will understand that this artwork is not a real world's imitation, but a fictional aircraft of the Robotech universe that branched to another future.

Drawing only pure aircraft design art does not mean designing aircraft of Robotech: Masters era.
Readers will think that it is simply a fictional aircraft and an aircraft that made F - 35A a twin engine.

Due to the fact that Robotech universe was destroyed on the SDF - 1 or the Earth on A. D.1999, we diverged from our real world and chose a totally different future.
Although there is no F - 35 in this universe, I anticipate that Logan was commissioned as an aircraft equivalent to Real World 's F - 35 with similar necessity and different science and technology.

In order to prove that Logan was developed as an alternative aircraft of the F - 35 as a result of choosing another future in the Robotech universe instead of mere imitation of a real world aircraft, the half-figure art of a person serving Northrop Grumman test pilot I drew.

By drawing Aurora's half-figure art, the viewer will understand that this artwork is not a real world's imitation, but a fictional aircraft of the Robotech universe that branched to another future.

By drawing Aurora's half-figure art, the viewer will understand that this artwork is not a real world's imitation, but a fictional aircraft of the Robotech universe that branched to another future.Max and Miriya 's second dauter , Aurora Sterling . Now she is test pilot at working on Northrop Grumman.
Original little girl's days art by Tomonori Kogawa .

Now I drawing new art which she became a woman.

She warned Dana in "the illusion of Dana" of Episode 60 of Robotech Masters.
She is also the second daughter of Max and Miriya.
By drawing Aurora's half-figure art, the viewer will understand that this artwork is not a real world's imitation, but a fictional aircraft of the Robotech universe that branched to another future.
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艦上戦闘機 マクシミリアン・ジーナス ミリア・ファリーナ 可変戦闘機 バルキリー ノースロップ・グラマン 超時空騎団サザンクロス 超時空要塞マクロス 


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