検索結果 - 新着順
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出発時間の前の白昼夢(A few moments to dream before leaving) フィルムの向こうに消えて行く夏(Summer passes to the film) ヴァケーションはソーダ水の泡と共に(Soda Float Hotel)
石の記憶が作る夏の思い出(Tears of blue stone with the memory of ocean) 何度目かの旅を始めるこの場所で(A journey that was not over after all) 故郷の味、望郷の想い(Taste of Missing Home)
色とりどりの花が咲く季節に(CTW's most blossom season) 街の色を染める音,街の色に溶け込む音(The sounds and colors that stain (or blend) this town) 着飾る都の流行の装い(Recent fashion trends in the dressed-up city)
或る中古UFO販売店店員の悩み(Unsold Flying Objects) ゼンマイ仕掛けのカルガモの親子と蒸気の幻影(The One Moment @ the Some Junction)

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